Tirana Connectivity Forum

The only such event covering connectivity, reforms and enlargement in South East Europe region

Who we are?

TCF is an annual benchmark that gathers different stakeholders and policy-makers involved in EU Enlargement, Regional Cooperation and Connectivity dynamics.

What we do?

Create a critical mass of knowledge on Berlin Process and hold and transmit it from one Summit to the other.

How to attend?

Attendance at TCF2024 is by invitation only.


TCF24: Reflecting on regional cooperation and road mapping the future

Tirana Connectivity Forum 2024 (TCF24), held on September 10-11, 2024, celebrated its 10th anniversary, reflecting on the Southeast Europe Six...
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Main takeaways of Tirana Connectivity Forum 2023 “Reloading Enlargement”

Two days of insightful presentations followed by thought-provoking discussions in the framework of Tirana Connectivity Forum 2023 (TCF2023) have come...
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Tirana Connectivity Forum 2022 Recommendations to Czech Presidency of the EU Council

Ahead of the historically first meeting of a broader format of European countries, the European Political Community, today in Prague,...
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Czech EU Presidency to help promote the proposals or recommendations – on connectivity infrastructure, energy security and institutional resilience – formulated at the TCF22

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Securely Connected through Secure and Future-proof Enlargement: Main Highlights of Day 3 of the TCF22

Since the first edition of TCF back in 2015, CDI has always teamed up with young people and involved youth...
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Securely Connected through Secure and Well-Governed Institutions: Main Highlights of Day 2 of TCF22

Under the main title “Securely Connected” the second day of Tirana Connectivity Forum shifted the focus to civil society and...
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Securely Connected through Secure and Resilient Infrastructure: Main Highlights of Day 1 of TCF 2022

Day 1, Secure and Resilient Infrastructure was focused on the East – West links of the new Western Balkans European...
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Tirana Connectivity Forum 2022

The 8th edition of the Tirana Connectivity Forum (TCF22) is to take place between the 26-28th of September in Durrës...
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TCF2022 part of the Czech Presidency official calendar of activities

Tirana Connectivity Forum 2021 is part of the official calendar of activities of the Slovenian Presidency of the Council of...
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Facts and Figures


Partners through the years