Accession before Membership: Boosting South East Europe 6 all-sector alignment with EU

As some South East Europe candidate countries progress toward EU membership by 2030, early integration into EU policy frameworks is crucial. This forward-looking approach can de-dramatize the Enlargement process, strengthen readiness for both the EU and SEE6, and enhance cohesion, competitiveness and resilience across Europe.

The 10th Tirana Connectivity Forum underscored the pressing need for SEE6 countries to gain immediate access to EU policy tools. Such access would accelerate their economic alignment with the EU and deliver tangible benefits to the lives of their citizens.

Granting SEE6 countries access to the EU Cohesion Policy toolbox ahead of membership would enhance their preparedness, support faster economic convergence, and reinforce EU conditionality. Similarly, including SEE6 in the EU Competitiveness strategy would not only benefit the region’s economy but also boost EU strategic autonomy and create opportunities for European industries and stakeholders.

This publication builds on the outcomes of #TCF2024, offering a detailed analysis to advance the integration of SEE6 into EU Competitiveness and Cohesion policy discussions.