Tirana Connectivity Forum 2024 (TCF24) will take place on 10 and 11 of September under the auspices of the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Albania. As this 10th TCF edition concurs with the 10th anniversary of the Berlin Process, it will both take stock of one decade of Berlin Process in connectivity and regional cooperation and place its discussions in the framework of EU Enlargement in Western Balkans. TCF24 is part of the official Calendar of the Hungarian Presidency of the EU Council.

Over the last ten years, TCF has fostered innovative ideas and enriching dialogues on a wide range of subjects including multi-layered connectivity and regional cooperation; transformative reforms and all-permeating institutional good governance; security of infrastructure and resilience of reforms; robust EU conditionality and solid European solidarity; enlargement and cohesion.

The TCF workings offers a framework platform that encourages participants to:

  • acquire insights into the most recent trends in policy-making regarding connectivity and regional cooperation, as well as in prioritizing and implementing concrete projects in the South-East Europe 6 (SEE6) region;
  • transform placed-based knowledge, hands-on policy-making and project management experience into innovative Accession tools adapted to the profile of Western Balkans region as well as current EU dynamics and challenges.

TCF provides the methodological socle and collaborative tools essential for politicians, policy-makers, project implementers, financial institutions, businesses and societal actors to communicate, exchange, debate and reach a common understanding on challenges and strategies needed to navigate SEE6 development path, and region’s progress towards EU membership.

TCF debates aim to tackle the EU Connectivity Trilemma, defined as the ability to navigate three different and sometimes competing objectives of: i) EU geo-political imperatives; ii) assuring financial viability of EU-supported projects; and, iii) supporting local development in the beneficiary country.

TCF2024 will take stock of the region’s 10-year journey in the Berlin Process, examining the impact, challenges and lessons learnt. It will start with a working breakfast with H.E. Mr. Igli Hasani, Minister of Europe and Foreign Affairs of Albania on “Berlin Process / Common Regional Market / Regional Cooperation”.

TCF2024 will consist of the following main topics:

  • Increasing private sector footprint into the EU-supported connectivity initiatives;
  • Closing the connectivity gap: infrastructure and reforms in South-East Europe Six;
  • Single Market and SEE6 regional cooperation;
  • Reviewing EU accession policy toolbox.

TCF2024 will introduce a “Forum of Forums” format. This innovative event will bring together colleagues from sister forums in Budapest, Prague, Burgas, Bled and Prespa to share their valuable assessment on subjects pertaining to their specific Forum profile, and provide a polyvalent picture of emerging trends that are projected to shape EU-Western Balkans relations.

Taking into account the geopolitical consequences of the war in Ukraine, a specific attention will be paid to security and resilience features of SEE6 Accession process.

More information on the program and attendance will be made available in the upcoming weeks.

TCF 2024 Partners

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Partners through the years