Country Director, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung
Frank Hantke
Frank Hantke owns a Master in Mechanics, German Language, Pedagogic (Teacher for Vocational Training)in 1983. Later, Mr. Hantke served as the Head of Department, Strategic Issues, HQ of German Trade Union Confederation (DGB) for the period from 1987 to 1989. Then, during 1995 – 1998, he was Head of Department for International Relations at DGB/ Since 1998, Mr. Hantke is an wxpatriate for Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) in the following regions and countires: CEE, Poland, SEE, Serbia, (both regional); Country Director Afghanistan, Albania, Kosovo, Macedonia – recently since 2017 Kosovo, before 2012 – 2017 Albania. Since 1974, Mr. Hantke is a member of IGM (Metal-Union), later IG BCE (Mining and Chemistry Union) and since 1976 a member of SPD (Social Democratic Party of Germany).